Past Projects

Here are a list of all of the previous projects that I have worked on and may have or not been completed. I have worked on these projects either during my time at university of my own volition, during my free time after graduation as either a project I wanted to work on or to improve my proficiency with the technology or language.
Each of the entries in this kind of portfolio will have some information about the project including the type of project, language and technologies used and the link to the project on my github.

My First Wish

What is it?
My first wish is a Unity engine based android mobile game, technically it is a small incomplete Role-Playing game with basic character leveling system, equipment and a real-time combat system. It was my Bsc 3rd year personal project that I spent a year

What mistake I make?
This was the roughest project due to not having any prior knowledge of the language and technologies, in the end I was too ambitious and left it incomplete as I tried to spread myself out too much and only had a year.
It took me time to learn how to use the unity editor and its features, C# and project management as well as resource handling. I spend time developing classes that would be obsolete, when I reviewed the class and found a better solution.
One other mistake was that I didn't focus on where I would have been focusing, such as the coding, rather an example, I used Maya3D to create my own models where I could have used pre-existing models. I just wanted to do it, without understanding the time frame.

What did I learn from this experience?
I enjoyed it and learnt alot such as how to use Unity Engine, becoming confident in C#, learning about maintaining a focus on a core feature set and not trying to jam pack it with half working features, but rather polishing a smaller essential feature set.
Even though the game was my first attempt at a project, there were a few good points, such as the basic enemy AI, it was based on a simple state machine concept and had 4 or 5 states, idle, engaged, search, etc.
These would help the enemy adapt to most situations with simple algorithms for what it will do when in any of these states.

Project Name: My First Wish
Type: Mobile Game
Languages: C#
Technologies: Unity Engine, JSON, Maya3D
Status: Incomplete

My Second Wish

What is it?
This is an my 4th year Masters personal project, it is my second attempt at an Unity based Android Game with some key differences compared to the prequel, such as turn-based combat.

What mistake I make?
Pending, need to look through my dissertation as it was a year ago

What did I learn from this experience?
There was a lot of positive things that I learnt from this experience, both my Unity and C# skill have improved from another year of usage.
Learning that sometimes instead of trying over complicate features and interconnect them, it is worth breaking them up into smaller focused features, such as in this case the open-world and the combat, they are seperate and focused parts of the game was really important.
I've learnt how to create a slightly more refined and complex enemy AI system that is modular allowing it to be easily expanded. Modularity and self-contained features are really important.

Project Name: My Second Wish
Type: Mobile Game
Languages: C#
Technologies: Unity Engine, JSON, Maya3D
Status: Incomplete